23 September

I will tell thee my adventures when I come.

Salem, Sept. 23rd, 1851


I have just received thy two letters; they having been forwarded hither by Ticknor & Co. I wish thou hadst not had the head-ache; it gives me the heart-ache.

In regard to the rent, it is much to pay; but thou art to remember that we take the house only till we can get another: and that we shall not probably have to pay more than half, at most, of the $350. It docs seem to me better to go; for we shall never be comfortable in Lenox again. Ticknor & Co. promise the most liberal advances of money, should we need it, towards buying the house.

I will tell thee my adventures when I come. I am to return to Boston to-night, and fully in
tend to be in Lenox by Saturday night.

In hugest haste,


Mrs. Sophia A. Hawthorne,
Lenox, Massachusetts.

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